Kakamigahara School for Mentally Disabled Children

location: Kakamigahara-shi, Gifu
use: school for mentally retarded children / gymnasium
structure: wood + S
number of stories: 1 story
site area: 6,471.18㎡ / 2,531㎡
total floor area: 1,767.98㎡ / 1,231.43㎡
completion: 12.2005
landscape design: Mikiko Ishikawa + Keio University Ishikawa Lab.

Since the site of this school was planned in the adjacent place from the “Forest of Learning” park, we tried to create a comfortable learning place coupled with the local people’s activities. Though the schools in Japan tend to be closed spatially and administratively for security reasons, we clearly integrated the territory for the pupil and one for the local people, who can use this facility on weekends as a recurrent educational school of Art.